
Archive for November, 2006

First CD release party a total hit!

November 26, 2006 1 comment

Wow everyone we did it. Our first CD. Release party, and we played our butts off. I’m talking about The Blues & Brews Bash at the MacIntyre Arena Ballroom on Nov 18th.

However before we get to a few details, how about some thanks to our crew. First up our wives and family who put up with us and this crazy hobby. Francine Savard who takes care of our merchandise, our bills, our debts and everything else in between all the while keeping her husband John (our lead axe man) happy. Wow thanks Fran.

Matt Gardner our website guy. Yep, he is that cool cat who manages to make The Shaftmen look good online. Tough job, considering were a bunch of bonehead musicians. James Mongeon our sound guy who just basically nails each time out. Just ask our fans! Spceial thanx to Steve Bergeron…for our DVD concert FOOTAGE at our shows. Great job Steve.

Our fellow musicians who came out big at the this gig, offering their support. Thank god we played well if a bit fast due to the adreneline rush, and some Tim’s coffee.

And yes our fans, wow you guys are a growing bunch. From the 7 and 8 year olds who I’m told are turning their parent’s copy of MINING THE BLUES up loud in the house. To all our family & friends, fellow miners, shift workers, sports fans and everyone in between. We never dreamed we would reach so many people.

Last and certainly not least our media friends. You guys are way cool. Timmins Daily Press, thanks to the staff for the articles. Q-92 who seem to be getting excited about our music and are linking us up with their website. CTV News are new Shaftmen fans, let’s hope we can do maybe a HERITAGE/MINING/MUSIC Idea in the future.

Okay the gig, we managed to fit in about 6 or 7 songs from the disc in our 1 hour set. We received really generous applause for each original especially Hurt My Pride, 4.A.M. Blues and this time out Here We Are. I know we have to play our ballads. Midnite Feelin Bad and Never Knew Much will make it into our set list for the Vic December 9th.

Jack De Keyzer has been a prince of a guy. It’s amazing. Here is one of the best blues guitarists on the planet letting us share a little bit of his spotlight. Our band sat back and watched their 2 sets, and basically said. Okay we have to practice more. Jack and his band are deadly, and super guys.

On a personal note, since this is a blog entry I want to thank Dr Robin Taylor for leaving his warm house and family to work on my muscle and joint problems the day of the gig. My Fibromyalgia was killing me that day, but I did manage to get though with Dr Taylor and

some heavy Tylenol doses. Thank god our gigs are really spread out.

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